Tawnja For Congress
This MINNESOTA GIRL is leaving it all on the field... Minnesota has had enough of Tom Emmer's Yo-Yo
:30 TV Commercial - "Babies in Cages" - Emmerverse
Click Here for Tawnja's Take on Today's Political Issues

SO YOU"RE SAYING I HAVE A CHANCE!!... Thank You Channel 5... Events
Click the player below to listen to the Zahradka / Emmer debate on MPR
DFL challenger Tawnja Zahradka came hard at Emmer for playing politics with the relief as a member of Republican House leadership. She said too many people are in financial trouble because expanded unemployment benefits expired and other aid is in limbo. “I would support getting the $600 into people’s hands. For these people that are in office right now to stand up and say, ‘that’s going to keep people from going back to work.’ Really?” Zahradka said. “That’s going to keep food on the table. That’s going to keep a roof over their heads. That’s going to keep people in their homes and not out on the streets fighting COVID. And people are sick of it.” Mike Mulcahy - MPR News - Politics Friday - Oct 9th 2020

Thank You to the Greatest Generation!!
DFL Senior Caucus Endorses Tawnja

"We have all survived life's challenges and heartbreaks, we have all learned to fight through the tough times,
we are all battle tested survivors and true members of the undefeated"
Tawnja Zahradka
Tawnja is a University Of North Dakota Communications Graduate, a 25-year Minnesota Business Owner, a Survivor of Workplace Discrimination, a Passionate Environmental Activist and an Equal Rights Advocate. Tawnja Accepts No Corporate PAC, Fossil Fuel or Big Pharma Campaign Money. Tawnja is National & Local AFLCIO Endorsed, National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 9 Endorsed, Education Minnesota, American Federation of Teachers, MEA, DFL Senior Caucus Endorsed, DFL Environmental Caucus Endorsed, Boundary Waters Action Fund Endorsed, Teamsters Joint Council 32 Endorsed. AFSCME MN Council 5 Endorsed. Tawnja is also a Gun Sense Candidate. Tawnja's First Endorsement was from Senator Ann Rest - MN Dist 45 DFL Minority Whip.